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to continuously develop to meet market demand, new practical quality products; to provide customer satisfaction of the pre-sale, sale, customer service service, our company is seeking the eternal theme of enterprise development, and our commitment to the vast number of users:

1, pre service

A. free of charge to provide technical advisory services. B. to provide users with product samples, corporate profiles, credit and other information. C. invited users to visit our company product design, manufacturing process, product prototype, product testing facilities and quality management system. D. invited users to visit our company's products on the site of the unit, listen to the views of the use of units. Technical parameters of E. Our company can appoint experienced technical staff to provide according to the site and users, free design and selection.

2, the sale of services:

In the manufacturing process, inspection invited the relevant technical staff to inspect our company user processes in the manufacturing process, and provide product inspection standard and inspection results to the relevant technical personnel to the user.

3, after sales service:

A. free of charge on the sale of products on-site commissioning services. B. free guidance on the sale of the product installation services. C. Our company is equipped with a high-quality after-sales service team based on technical personnel. In the service of information users received or feedback, transfer reply and deal with the user satisfaction within the shortest time. D. my company product warranty period of three years. E products of our company have implemented the "three pack" service (due to the quality problem of our company Baotui, Baohuan, Bao Xiu). F. I sent the company's customer service service personnel quality evaluation by the user (the user in our company "customer feedback" sign an opinion). According to the user comments, to honor the company's after-sales service staff rewards and punishments. G. my company set up telephone complaints: (Tel: if not satisfied with the quality of our products customer service service quality complaints, we will carefully deal. H. my company on a regular basis the user visits, to understand the use of products, help to solve all kinds of problems may be encountered in the use of. At the same time to seek quality and technical improvements in order to better serve the user.
日本免费无遮挡吸乳视频中文,91一区二区国产好的精华液,乱人伦中文字幕视频,人人看人人鲁狠狠高清 日本免费无遮挡吸乳视频中文,91一区二区国产好的精华液,乱人伦中文字幕视频,国产亚洲欧洲一区二区三区 日本免费无遮挡吸乳视频中文,91一区二区国产好的精华液,乱人伦中文字幕视频,久久久久久久久久久久久久久久久久




